Make your book unforgettable with an amazing book cover design!​

We Make Sure Your Book Cover Makes A Strong First Impression!

We’ve helped over 1000 companies around the world

Covers That Speak

Our book covers have helped countless authors reach new heights of success and recognition! Our magic lies in taking your story and telling it through our Art!

Why We Are The Best ?

You can expect top-notch quality, professionalism, timely delivery, responsive support but here are our defining features!

Unlimited Free Revisions

You should love your book cover so we keep working until you say it’s perfect!


We’ll make your book cover look exceptional, without breaking your bank.                                               

After Design Billing

You only have to pay once you recieve the design and you say “I love it”                                                                 

All of this is possible because of the team we’ve put together.

In the past few years alone, we’ve served thousands of clients and completed hundreds of technology transformations.

We help our clients develop the culture and capabilities needed to be agile and innovate ahead of the market, long after we’ve left. This is change that matters.

indie Author friendly packages

 Every author should love there book cover! That’s why here at Book Cover Hub you pay for the design after you say “I Love it”

Pack Diamant


Pack Platine


Pack Express


Pack standard


Don’t hesitate to reach us

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